Although fall term is well underway, students partaking in the Be World Ready program’s International Field Studies (IFS) trips are only just beginning their global learning adventures.
This fall, more than 80 students and staff members will have the opportunity to explore destinations incorporating their chosen fields of expertise.
The Be World Ready program supports the college’s aim to prepare world-ready and work-ready graduates. Offering culturally diverse learning environments, the program aims to give NC students the competitive edge to launch their careers and also develop global competencies through an international experience.
IFS students from the Business Management program will travel to Ireland October 20 – October 28. In addition to exploring Irish culture, students will also have the opportunity to engage with industry professionals. Participants in this IFS trip will engage in a learning opportunity with Cork Institute of Technology students, on campus, while participating in workshops entitled “Global Leadership Development” program each morning, followed by local industry visits and cultural excursions in the afternoon. This trip will be led by faculty from the Human Resources program.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Geared towards students studying in the School of Community Services, an IFS trip will take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20 – October 25. Youth and aging in the Netherlands will be highlighted as well as social care and mental health. This trip will entail visits to the Anne Frank House and a day spent in Hogeweyk Dementia Village. Students will also learn from the Netherland’s advanced approach on the medicinal uses of cannabis and the public and private systems and practices in place that service the community. School of Community Services professors will be leading this trip.
Los Cacaos, Dominican Republic
From October 20 – October 27, students from programs such as Greenhouse Technician, Landscape Technician and Horticulture Technician, will travel to Los Cacaos, Dominican Republic. This short-term study program engages in fair-trade coffee production, greenhouse production and environmentally sustainable growing methods, while focusing on cultural exchange. This trip will be led by a professor in the School of Environmental & Horticultural Studies. A new addition to the trip this year is a stop at NC’s international academic partner, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, who will host our group and provide sessions on the history of Dominican culture and an overview of the agricultural and environmental sectors within the country.
Disney, U.S.A.
The IFS trip to Disney in Florida invited students from the School of Hospitality and Tourism to partake in the college edition of the Disney Youth Education Series (YES) program entitled, ‘Get Ready for the World.’ Students participated in a guided, hands-on field study while embarking on an educational adventure in the information-rich setting of Disney. Led by professors in the School of Hospitality, Tourism & Sport, this trip took place September 29 to October 4.
For more information on upcoming IFS trips and the Be World Ready program, visit