Be World Ready Grants

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Please note: In order for an experience to be considered and approved for grant funding, it must not take part during the academic calendar. It is Be World Ready policy that any travel which requires a student to miss class time will not be approved for funding.

If your academic standing or enrolment within your Niagara College program changes, you must notify the Be World Ready team immediately to assess your eligibility to participate in international opportunities.

All full-time and part-time Niagara College students in good academic standing participating in an international activity are eligible for a Be World Ready grant to help offset the cost of their experience. You must be returning to studies in the Fall 2023 semester to be eligible. Students will not directly receive this money as the full value of the grant has already been applied to the final payment to off-set the total cost of the trip. For students who do not complete all grant requirements by established deadlines (including time of submission), the full grant amount will be charged directly to their student account. In order to qualify for the grant:

  • Complete all pre-departure forms as instructed
  • Complete the online pre-departure training
  • Attend mandatory pre-departure meetings
  • Successfully attend the international experience
  • Share at least 3 quality photos to a shared OneDrive and provide content for each photo to be shared on the Be World Ready Instagram
  • Be interviewed on-location
  • Participate in the Focus Group and complete the Post-Participation Survey

Students that participate in a work or volunteer abroad opportunity are eligible to receive up to $500 worth of a Be World Ready grant when they return from their experience abroad.

In order to qualify, the student must complete the following BEFORE departing on the experience:

  1. Register for the work or volunteer abroad opportunity
  2. Email Be World Ready the finalized, signed copy, of the work or volunteer contract. A copy of the official job description must also be included.
  3. Complete the online portion of pre-departure training found on Blackboard

Note: students will be added to the Be World Ready Blackboard group once they have registered their work or volunteer abroad opportunity.

The online portion of training includes the following:

  1. Five modules, four quizzes, and the Risk Management Form
  2. Waivers to be signed and returned to the Be World Ready team via email
  3. A completed budget form outlining the expected expenses that will be incurred while abroad

The Be World Ready team will review the documents provided and notify the student if they are eligible to receive grant funding for the experience, including the amount of grant funding they will be eligible to receive.

Upon return to Canada from the work or volunteer experience abroad, the student will have 30 days to complete the following requirements:

  1. Submit two JPEG images from the work or volunteer term abroad. Please note: these photos MUST depict the student in the destination of the experience. The Be World Ready team must be able to verify the country and cultural setting in which the student has completed the work/volunteer term.
  2. Complete the BWR Grant Submission Form (to be emailed to the student prior to departure), which will include:
    • A well-written, 500-word essay outlining how the trip has helped the student become ‘World-Ready’
    • Use examples of the skills learned and the cultural activities experienced while abroad. The student must ensure to reference how the experience abroad has prepared them for success in a future career upon graduation

The Be World Ready team will review the submission and, if approved, the student will be provided the Be World Ready grant in the form of a refund to their student account. Refunds can be issued in the Registrars’ office and applied on a debit/bank card.


Students who participate in an international opportunity are eligible to receive up to $500 worth of a Be World Ready grant when they return from an experience abroad.

In order to qualify, the student must complete the following BEFORE departing on the experience:

  1. Register for the semester exchange or summer institute opportunity
  2. Complete the online portion of pre-departure training found on Blackboard

Note: students will be added to the Be World Ready Blackboard group once they have registered for the semester exchange or summer institute opportunity.

The online portion of training includes the following:

  1. Five modules, four quizzes, & Risk Management form
  2. Registration of Canadians Abroad with screenshot emailed to Be World Ready team
  3. Waivers to be signed and returned to the Be World Ready team via email
  4. A completed budget form outlining the expected expenses that will be incurred while abroad

The Be World Ready team will review the documents provided and notify the student if they are eligible to receive grant funding for the experience, including the amount of grant funding they will be eligible to receive.

Upon return to Canada from the semester exchange or summer institute experience abroad, the student will have 30 days to complete the following requirements:

  1. Submit two JPEG images from the semester exchange or summer institute abroad. Please note: these photos MUST depict the student in the destination of the experience. The Be World Ready team must be able to verify the country and cultural setting in which the student has completed the semester exchange or summer institute
  2. Complete the BWR Grant Submission Form (to be emailed to the student prior to departure), which will include:
    • A well-written, 500-word essay outlining how the trip has helped the student become ‘World-Ready’
    • Use examples of the skills learned and the cultural activities experienced while abroad. The student must ensure to reference how the experience abroad has prepared them for success in a future career upon graduation

The Be World Ready team will review the submission and, if approved, the student will be provided the Be World Ready grant in the form of a refund to their student account. Refunds can be issued in the Registrars’ office and applied on a debit/bank card.